A rebellious, leather- jacket- wearing rabbit leans coolly against a neon- lit alley wall, one ear casually flopped over his eyes and a toothpick sticking out of his mouth. His jacket is adorned with embroidered lightning bolts and patches reading “Buzz Rebel” and “Buzz or Bust. ” Around his neck, he wears a chain with a buzz coin pendant, flashing a small, steady glow. In one paw, he holds a cardboard sign that’s been spray- painted with flair: “Buzz Needed for a REAL Thrill Ride. ” The background reveals a dim, grungy city scene, with graffiti- covered walls and a small “Buzz Club” sign glowing in electric blue just above a basement staircase. A speech bubble floats above the rabbit, reading: “Buzz up, if you can handle it. ” The whole image gives off a vibe of gritty, rebellious cool, showing the rabbit as an underground thrill- seeker who lives for that next big buzz