A young, adventurous fox dressed like an old- school prospector stands beside a bubbling creek in a lush forest. The fox’s outfit is straight out of a gold rush scene—he wears a wide- brimmed hat with a feather sticking out, a dusty vest, and patched- up pants. Slung over his shoulder is a worn, leather satchel, and in his hands, he grips a pan filled with sparkling water and tiny, coin- shaped buzz gems glinting under the sunlight. The creek sparkles with a scattering of these buzz coins, round with a faint lightning bolt symbol in their centers. The fox’s tail swishes in excitement as he grins widely, showing off a toothy, triumphant smile. In the background, you can see tall trees with beams of sunlight filtering through, casting a warm glow on the scene. Above him, a text bubble reads: “Struck it rich! Buzz nuggets for days!” The whole image captures the thrill of discovery, with the fox prospector’s sheer joy and excitement over his unexpected find in this serene, woodland setting