A rugged, dust- covered warrior grips the wheel of a beat- up, armored car, roaring across a wasteland landscape. The car is an intimidating machine—cobbled together with scraps of metal, reinforced windows, and rows of buzz coins welded along the hood as makeshift armor. Its tires kick up clouds of sand and debris as it speeds forward, dodging jagged rocks and twisted remnants of an old highway. Inside, the driver is decked out in worn leather armor, a spiked shoulder pad on one side, and a pair of cracked goggles that glow faintly with a lightning bolt emblem reflecting on each lens. His gloves are fingerless, revealing scarred, dirt- streaked hands gripping the wheel, and a tattered bandana covers the lower half of his face. Just visible on the dashboard is a handwritten note scrawled on a torn piece of metal: “Buzz or Bust. ” Above him, a speech bubble reads: “Out here, buzz is life!” Behind him, a desert filled with twisted metal structures and scorched earth stretches endlessly, while other ragged vehicles can be seen in pursuit. The whole scene feels tense and wild, capturing the desperation and intensity of a wasteland warrior’s hunt for that elusive “buzz. ”