A weary superhero rests in a weathered wooden coffin, eyes closed, as dark stormy clouds gather above, illuminated by flashes of lightning that cast an eerie glow on his torn and dusty suit. The faint crescent moon casts an ominous light on the heroic emblem on his chest, a reminder of his unwavering dedication. The coffin's surface is cracked and worn, adorned with intricate carvings that tell the story of countless battles and quests. The air is heavy with foreboding, a mix of rain and ozone hanging in the atmosphere as each drop on his face seems suspended in time. His hand clutches a sword or shield, its shape indistinct due to the shadow cast by his profile. Yet, it's clear that this is an object he would never relinquish. The scene evokes an old painting, with rich and muted colors, dramatic lighting, and heavy shadows that create deep contrast. The overall mood is one of resignation, as if the superhero knows his time has come but still holds onto hope and determination. The theme revolves around mortality and heroism, a struggle between surrendering to fate and fighting on, even when all seems lost