In a sprawling metropolis of tomorrow, a lone cyber expert sits deeply engrossed in front of his cutting- edge workstation, surrounded by rows of softly humming servers and sleek technological equipment that seems to stretch on endlessly. The gentle glow of code streams dancing across the screens before him casts an otherworldly light on his intensely focused expression. As he gazes out the large window that dominates one wall of the room, viewers are transported through his eyes to behold the breathtaking panorama unfolding beyond. The expansive cityscape at night reveals a stunning tapestry of towering skyscrapers piercing the sky and their rooftops dissolving seamlessly into the clouds. Amidst this vibrant backdrop, flying cars zip by with their LED lights creating an entrancing display of color and movement. The window itself appears as a seamless part of the wall, taking up half its surface area and providing an unobstructed view of the pulsating city below. Despite the darkness outside, the urban landscape is illuminated by a kaleidoscope of colorful lights that harmonize in perfect synchrony, producing a visually captivating effect. Through this composition and first- person perspective, viewers are immersed in the hacker's world, witnessing firsthand his connection to the technological marvels surrounding him and his deep fascination with the ever- changing urban scenery unfolding before him