(highly detailed, black- and- white ink drawing, surreal, nightmarish aesthetic) a young woman with a pale, gaunt face, expressive eyes, and short, slicked- back hair, wearing a dark, high- collared coat extending to mid- thigh, shown in profile, looking upward with a contemplative or anxious expression. swirling dark storm clouds with hints of lightning and thunderous energy engulf and merge with her head, creating a sense of entrapment. a dark, hollow eye emerges from the clouds, intensifying the eerie atmosphere. in the background, a traditional Chinese ink painting of chrysanthemums and leaves, executed in fine, detailed strokes on white rice paper, with large, intricate flowers in full bloom and organic, flowing leaves. the background is mostly blank, focusing attention on the subject matter. in the upper left corner, a Chinese calligraphy inscription adds cultural significance. a simple white border frames the artwork, highlighting the intricate ink details. varied ink textures enhance depth and intensity, contributing to the haunting mood of psychological unease and introspection. (nistyle)