Flat colour ff- fbs style image, Slomesty, this image is a striking, high- contrast composition in deep matte black, blood- red highlights, and faint silver accents, evoking the tension of a silent, unseen predator. The Art Nouveau- inspired curves remain, but now they resemble the intricate, flowing etchings of a masterfully crafted blade, each line precise yet organic, forming a delicate balance between lethal intent and elegance. The elongated, stylized ninja is a shadow given form, clad in a skin- tight, segmented bodysuit of woven nanofibers, designed to absorb light and distort perception. The armor plating is minimal, strategically placed like the exoskeleton of an otherworldly predator, and her hood drapes low, merging seamlessly with the void. A single, glistening red streak marks her mask, the only break in her obsidian silhouette. She hovers in mid- air, viewed from the side, her slender, clawed fingers delicately holding a sleek, glowing smartphone directly in front of where her face should be. The screen is deep crimson, casting ominous shadows over her concealed features. A faint, encrypted message scrolls across the display in an unknown language—her next target, perhaps, or the final words of an enemy already defeated. Thin, red- tinted wires extend from her fingertips, connecting to the phone’s surface like cybernetic nerves feeding directly into the device