Flat colour ff- fbs style image, Slomesty, this image is a stark black- and- white composition with a single muted red accent. The Art Nouveau curves remain, but stripped to their essential forms, creating a clean, almost graphic silhouette with bold, flowing contours. The elongated, stylized woman is a sleek, faceless entity, her body reduced to smooth, unbroken shapes, the details suggested only by contrast. Her hair is a single continuous wave of black, merging seamlessly with the negative space, like ink spreading through water. She hovers in mid- air, viewed from the side, her delicate, shadowed fingers gently cradling a single, deep- red sphere in front of where her face should be. The sphere is the only colored element, its surface impossibly smooth, radiating a quiet presence. Thin, black tendrils extend subtly from her fingertips, barely visible against the void, as if her very essence is merging with the object—an intimate moment of silent contemplation, where meaning is conveyed through simplicity and contrast alone