A high- contrast monochrome portrait of a woman, her pale skin standing out against a deep, textured black background. The background remains undefined, fading into darkness. Her face is turned away from the viewer, partially hidden behind long, flowing dark hair that falls over her shoulders. Her lips are painted deep red, sharply contrasting against the grayscale tones of her skin. Shadows define the curve of her cheekbones, the slope of her nose, and the subtle dip of her closed eyes. Her bare shoulder is softly illuminated, smooth and well- defined against the surrounding darkness. Her left hand rests gently against her upper arm, fingers delicately curled. Her nails are painted the same deep red as her lips. A vivid blue butterfly with finely detailed wings rests just below her shoulder blade. The butterfly is centered on a translucent white flower, its petals appearing soft and slightly blurred at the edges. The flower fades into the surrounding light, making it appear almost weightless against her skin. The lighting is soft and diffused, casting gentle highlights along the contours of her face, shoulder, and hand while leaving deep shadows in the background. The selective use of color—red for her lips and nails, blue for the butterfly—stands out against the monochrome tones, drawing attention to the key focal points