A monstrous, war- painted battle rig, covered in spikes, scavenged plating, and a massive, skull- faced ram, thunders across the desert, its massive wheels kicking up a hurricane of dust. A gang of raiders clings to its sides, their patchwork armor adorned with bones, chains, and neon war paint. A figure stands atop the rig’s roof, arms outstretched, howling into the wind as lightning cracks behind him. The vehicle's mounted flamethrowers ignite, sending torrents of fire into the night. The destination is unknown, but wherever the Stormriders arrive, destruction follows. KNKstyle. <lora:KNKstyle_- _FLUX:0. 5><lora:Dark_and_Colorful_FLUX_OT:0. 4><lora:Videogame_Cartoon_Flux:0. 4>