A majestic pirate ship sails through a stormy sea, its massive black sails tattered yet resilient against the raging winds. The towering masts creak as the ship cuts through towering waves, illuminated by the eerie glow of lightning splitting the darkened sky. The golden light of a dying sun peeks through ominous storm clouds, casting dramatic contrasts of warm and cold tones across the wooden hull. Ornate carvings of sea creatures adorn the bow, weathered yet regal, telling tales of countless voyages and fierce battles. A lone pirate, clad in a crimson coat, stands at the helm, gripping the ship's wheel with determination as the tempest howls around them. The infamous Jolly Roger flag flutters high above, a symbol of defiance and freedom. Swirling mist rises from the water, as if whispering the secrets of the deep, while the ocean churns with a relentless fury. The scene captures the raw power of nature and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to challenge it