A dirty, worn- out female cyborg stands in the middle of a sprawling junkyard filled with discarded robots and mechanical parts. Her mechanical skeleton is visible through patches of missing synthetic skin, revealing gears, pistons, and a small, sputtering steam engine embedded in her chest. Her limbs are a mismatched collection of parts—one arm and one leg clearly salvaged from another robot, their design clashing with her original frame. Rust covers her joints, and her once- vibrant paint is now chipped and faded. The junkyard is a chaotic sea of broken machinery: rusted robot limbs, shattered glass, and twisted metal scraps stretch as far as the eye can see. Smoke rises from a few smoldering piles, and the air is thick with the scent of oil and decay. In the background, towering heaps of discarded robots create a dystopian skyline, their hollow eyes and broken frames adding to the eerie atmosphere. The cyborg holds a crudely made sign that reads, 'Give BUZZ for new parts, ' her expression a mix of desperation and determination. Her glowing eyes, one flickering faintly, scan the horizon as if hoping for a savior. The scene is both gritty and poignant, capturing the struggle for survival in a world where even machines are left to fend for themselves. " Additional details for refinement: Style: Hyper- realistic or semi- realistic, with a focus on gritty textures and dystopian details. Lighting: Dim, overcast lighting with faint glows from the cyborg’s eyes and smoldering fires in the junkyard. Color palette: Rusty oranges and browns (metal and rust), muted grays and silvers (mechanical parts), and faint glows of blue or green (cyborg’s eyes). Mood: Gritty, dystopian, and emotional, with a sense of resilience and struggle