A ghost in the machine, a soldier on the verge of detonation. His face glitches—fractured, repeating, lagging between agony and cold resolve. His eyes burn like ruptured floodlights, neon beams stabbing through the dark, his mouth a gaping wound of searing white. The light isn’t escaping—it’s devouring him from within, cracking through his corroded plating, tearing him apart pixel by pixel. His body flickers, warping between steel and static, neon scars pulsing like dying circuitry. The air vibrates with a distorted hum, reality bending as his form destabilizes. Glitching shadows stretch unnaturally, his figure collapsing, reforming, seconds from oblivion. Kneeling in the wreckage of his own existence, he prays to nothing. The war is over. He won’t be for much longer