A hyper- realistic still of a striking half- cyborg woman seated effortlessly in a futuristic cyberpunk gaming chair, her form a flawless fusion of human anatomy and high- tech machine. Her face is partially encased in sleek black and yellow cybernetic plating, with a glowing mechanical eye pulsating with data streams beneath translucent synthetic skin. Reinforced jaw components integrate seamlessly with exposed servo mechanisms along her cheekbones, while biomechanical veins course with liquid energy. Her upper body is wrapped in an advanced exosuit, featuring overlapping mecharmor plates with power conduits illuminating her form. One arm is human- like but enhanced with embedded robotic articulation, while the other is fully mechanized with reinforced servos, tactical plating, and illuminated micro- reactors. The gaming chair is a marvel of cybernetic engineering—suspended by anti- gravity stabilizers, covered in neon- lit mech panels, shifting holographic controls, and surreal LED interfaces reacting to her presence. The background is a dreamscape of pulsating energy, distorted cityscapes, and abstract projections, warping the very air with futuristic illusions. Inspired by Unfazedfantasii, dreamscape7X, Ando Fuchs Style, Cyborg, Exosuit, Mecharmor, Robot, Mech, Power Armor, Heavy Mech, futuristic, tactical, in the style of ck- ncr