A weaselly, lanky, mischievous old man with strawberry- blond hair, slicked back in a braided man bun, and a long "Pike- devant" or "pickedevant" beard. His piercing green, snake- like eyes gleam with intelligence and mischief, and his devilish grin is partially concealed by stitches sealing his lips. Pale blue- skinned, he exudes both charm and unpredictability. Two sharp devil- like horns protrude from his head, adding to his sinister yet regal aura. He wears an elaborate dark green leather tunic with an open- chested V- neck, adorned with intricate gold embroidery of Norse serpent motifs. A long, flowing cloak lined with thick white fur drapes over his shoulders, emphasizing his noble and commanding presence. His gauntlets and boots feature matching gold trim, completing his sophisticated yet ominous look. Dramatic black eyeliner extends into a sharp line under his eyes. At his feet lies a slain otter, its body draped in shimmering gold coins, reinforcing his cunning and ruthless nature. The atmosphere is dark and mysterious, with a touch of Norse mythology and trickster energy