Under the shadow of a towering, gear- laden factory, a young woman in an oil- splattered waistcoat slams her fist against the side of a sputtering, steam- powered penny- farthing. Her wild auburn hair is barely contained beneath a tilted newsboy cap, and her flushed face is set in an expression of exasperation. The vehicleâs brass tubing trembles as a series of clanking noises echo from within, but the massive front wheel remains stubbornly still. A faint puff of black smoke dribbles from the engine casing, carrying the unmistakable scent of burnt wiring. Around her, the bustling streets of the city carry on, the clatter of passing airships and the hiss of steam vents forming a chaotic symphony of mechanical life. A street urchin snickers nearby, his grimy fingers pointing at her predicament, only for her to throw him a withering glare. With an irritated sigh, she pulls a screwdriver from her belt and crouches down, muttering curses at the contraption as she pries open a panel of brass plating. In the distance, the enormous silhouette of a steam- driven monorail rumbles overhead, a stark reminder of both the marvel and the misery of progress. detailed background Fantastic lighting. Detailed shadows. intricate details, vivid colors, hyper- detailed, ultra- sharp, <lora:RetroAnimeFluxV1:0. 4> <lora:Vintage comic book:0. 7> <lora:MoriiMee_Gothic_Niji_Style_FLUX:1. 0>