More prompts from fkb42

    female etol ridiy erer nalomo? Nasicab rasa hi odeb erolie beresa tilebo unef. Ene sihomet ra. De pik ridiy aye non ho ti wiyedo. Ihenenal agiwel xicicun nalomo yoledo, etol otu tateha panierih niruses. Edep cen ra ape erer rad sum ifegeco, co nisalit nat yid isawoles. Sotu re apol nipaf. Marine onahi re sos.  cyberpunk anime, 7-CgiFaces woman, midjourney_whisper_avant_couture
    A weird blob creature in a chemical sci-fi lab, dripping fluorescent fluids, detailed background
    weird fluorescent blob creature in magical forest with fireflies, fluorescent plants, otherworldly. masterpiece, best quality, high quality, high-res, ultra-detailed, best quality, 8K, high resolution, extreme detail, photography, Hyper-realistic, many details, extreme detailed, full of details, monster, creature, highly detailed,  moody, epic, gorgeous, film grain, grainy
    A retro futuristic lorenastyle woman sitting regally on an ornate, golden throne. I know it's weird but just put golden Christmas baubles everywhere please. The woman is dressed in a retro futuristic white nightgown. Big golden baubles are distributed on the woman's nightgown. The nightgown has long, puffy sleeves and a deep V-neckline, revealing a hint of cleavage. Her face is covered by a bridal veil. Her hair is long, cascading down her back in gentle waves. She is adorned with large, gold earrings that dangle elegantly, and she gazes directly at the camera with a serene slightly sad expression. The throne is massive and intricately designed with gold accents and intricate carvings, featuring a high back with a decorative crown at the top. There are many big golden baubles of different sizes around the throne and on the woman. The reason for the baubles is unclear. Behind her, a large, golden circle is illuminated, casting a warm, ethereal glow that highlights her and the throne. The background is a dark, mosaic wall with a glossy finish, adding to the luxurious and opulent atmosphere. I love random baubles, it's Christmas soon! The floor is also marble, with a black and gold pattern that complements the throne's color scheme. The overall composition exudes a sense of grandeur and royalty, blending elements of classical and modern aesthetics in a visually striking manner. retro futuristic clothing style, chromatic grain
    ArsMovieStill, 80s Fantasy Movie Still, In the depths of a mystic reverie, a enchantress materializes, her presence a whispered secret in the velvet dreams. Her eyes, like shattered emeralds, glimmer with an unholy light, as if the very essence of the forest has been distilled into their piercing gaze. A lace-like veil, a gossamer whisper of forgotten dreams, clings to her skin like a damp, moonlit mist, casting an eerie, silvered glow across her features. The light that bathes her is a crazed, flickering thing, a mad dance of sunbeams and shadowy tendrils that twist and writhe like living serpents around her face. Upon her head, a crown of jagged, chrome splinters reigns, its diamonds flashing like a riot of fireflies on a summer's night, as a diamond-encrusted necklace slithers around her neck like a glittering, venomous serpent. A face ornament, a delicate, bejeweled latticework, sprawls across her cheeks and forehead like a mad, its silver chains and diamonds glinting with a manic, fevered light, as if the very fabric of reality has been torn asunder to reveal a glimpse of the surreal, dreamlike realm that lies beyond. And yet, amidst this maelstrom of color and light, the enchantress remains, a serene, unyielding presence, her gaze a cold, dark mirror that reflects the very soul of the viewer, drawing them in with an otherworldly allure, a siren's call that beckons them deeper into the heart of the madness. faded 80s movie style
    This is a cyberpunk anime artwork featuring a striking, surreal scene set against a dark, almost black background. At the center of the image is a female figure with an otherworldly appearance, seated on a rugged, rocky outcrop. She has a blue complexion, and her body is adorned with intricate, mechanical armor that resembles a mix of organic and technological elements. Her armor is metallic, with various protrusions and details that add to her futuristic appearance. Her head is covered with a helmet that has a sleek, futuristic design. The figure's wings, which are large and expansive, are also made of a metallic material and have a segmented, insect-like appearance. The wings are spread wide, creating a dramatic and imposing presence. The figure's attire includes blue pants and a sleeveless top that exposes her arms, which are also armored. She has a sad, serene, contemplative expression on her face, adding to the enigmatic and mysterious atmosphere of the scene. The background features a large, vivid red sphere, which could be interpreted as a giant, glowing moon or a powerful energy source. The sphere is surrounded by dark, swirling clouds, adding to the ominous and otherworldly and sad feel of the scene. The overall color palette is dominated by deep blacks, reds, and blues. Add noise. (eyes open)
    female etol ridiy erer nalomo? Nasicab rasa hi odeb erolie beresa tilebo unef. Ene sihomet ra. De pik ridiy aye non ho ti wiyedo. Ihenenal agiwel xicicun nalomo yoledo, etol otu tateha panierih niruses. Edep cen ra ape erer rad sum ifegeco, co nisalit nat yid isawoles. Sotu re apol nipaf. Marine onahi re sos.  cyberpunk anime, idjourney_whisper_avant_couture
    etol ridiy erer nalomo?
    female etol ridiy erer nalomo? Nasicab rasa hi odeb erolie beresa tilebo unef. Ene sihomet ra. De pik ridiy aye non ho ti wiyedo. Ihenenal agiwel xicicun nalomo yoledo, etol otu tateha panierih niruses. Edep cen ra ape erer rad sum ifegeco, co nisalit nat yid isawoles. Sotu re apol nipaf. Marine onahi re sos.  cyberpunk anime, idjourney_whisper_avant_couture
    weird animal creature in magical forest with fireflies, fluorescent plants, otherworldly. masterpiece, best quality, high quality, high-res, ultra-detailed, best quality, 8K, high resolution, extreme detail, photography, Hyper-realistic, many details, extreme detailed, full of details, monster, creature, highly detailed,  moody, epic, gorgeous, film grain, grainy
    weird animal creature in magical forest with fireflies, fluorescent plants, otherworldly. masterpiece, best quality, high quality, high-res, ultra-detailed, best quality, 8K, high resolution, extreme detail, photography, Hyper-realistic, many details, extreme detailed, full of details, monster, creature, highly detailed,  moody, epic, gorgeous, film grain, grainy
    This artwork is titled "Moonlit Enchantress", it captures the ethereal and mystical essence of the woman's appearance, with the veil and dark feathers evoking a sense of lunar magic. It features a hauntingly beautiful, ethereal figure with a striking blend of fantasy and gothic elements. The subject is a female with pale, flawless skin and a regal bearing. Her striking blue eyes add to the enigmatic quality of the portrait. She wears an elaborate, ornate mask that covers her entire face, except for her lips, which are painted a deep red. The mask is crafted from dark, almost black, materials that resemble leather or metal, and it is adorned with intricate, glowing blue patterns that seem to mimic the movement of flowing water or fire. Her hair is a voluminous, dark mane that cascades down her back and shoulders, interwoven with feathers and other organic elements that give it a wild, untamed appearance. The feathers are predominantly black but have a blue sheen, adding to the mystical aura of the image. The background is pitch black, making the subject stand out starkly against the darkness, and the lighting accentuates the blue hues, creating a dramatic, almost otherworldly effect. The artwork is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and the interplay of light and shadow, which gives it a surreal, almost dreamlike quality.
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