A breathtaking fusion of nature and magic unfolds where an ancient city meets the boundless ocean. The cityscape rises dramatically along the coastline, its architecture a blend of towering spires and intricate domes, each adorned with glowing glyphs that pulse with arcane energy. These symbols stretch across walls, bridges, and streets, forming a sprawling network of magical power that hums faintly in the air. Above the ocean, a massive magic spell weaves itself into existence, its vibrant energy spiraling into the sky. Hues of sapphire, gold, and amethyst swirl together, casting radiant reflections across the calm waters. The spell’s tendrils reach out like living streams of light, linking the ocean’s surface to the towering spires of the city. The atmosphere is alive with mystical energy, as if the very air carries whispers of an ancient enchantment. Waves lap gently against the shore, glowing faintly where the spell’s light touches them. This surreal scene captures a harmonious balance between the raw power of the ocean, the intricate beauty of the city, and the otherworldly allure of nature magic unleashed on an awe- inspiring scale