Amidst the kaleidoscope of neon- lights illuminating the moonlit cobbled street after dark, a peculiar spectacle unfolds- a sentient automaton strides along confidently, its topmost component being none other than an intricately crafted glass vessel housing a vibrant golden fish whose tail swishes contentedly within the bubbling brine. Attached to this mechanical marvel via an ornate silver chain harnessing system is perhaps nature's greatest oddity- an absolutely immense feline monstrosity oozing corpulence, waddling comically behind with each laborious plodding pace upon stubby legs clearly ill- equipped to bear such prodigious bulk while wearing a jauntily angled bowler hat atop an unnaturally spherical cranium. cyberpunk, dark, erotica, horror, monochromatic, organic, painting, robots- cyborgs, surreal, cartoon, characters, comics, fantasy, manga- anime, science- fiction steampunk illustration, mechanical, intricate details, cogs and gears, copper pipes, ornate