A hyper- realistic close- up portrait of a woman with pale, porcelain- like skin on one side of her face, reflecting an ethereal glow under soft moonlight. This normal human side features straight, burgundy hair neatly parted down the middle, each strand appearing slightly oily and catching subtle highlights that enhance its deep hue. A distinct barcode tattoo is inked symmetrically on her forehead, with delicately curved tear tattoos resting just below her eyes, dark against her fair skin. The other side of her face transforms into a surreal spectacle, dissolving into gases, solid, and liquid states of vibrant colors, showcasing a mesmerizing blend of iridescent tints. The transition is fluid and dynamic, with colors flowing and blending seamlessly as they morph from one state to another, creating an otherworldly effect. This striking contrast between the hyper- realistic side and the surreal, colorful transformation invites a sense of mystery and intrigue, evoking an emotional response in the viewer