A dark, ominous nightscape unfolds on a storming sea, as two 17th- century warships, their sails torn and masts bent, clash in a fiery explosion of cannon fire, the majestic vessels cresting a tremendous, foaming wave, illuminated by eerie moonlight that casts an ethereal glow across the turbulent waters, the atmosphere heavy with suspense, as if something sinister lurks beneath the low- rolling mist that shrouds the horizon, the scene bathed in a warm, golden light, reminiscent of Thomas Kinkade's style, with a cinematic aesthetic akin to a Terrence Malick film, the frame grainy, with a subtle film texture, and a warm color grading that evokes a sense of nostalgia and foreboding. The painting is in the style of umesky<lora:ume_sky_v2. safetensors:0. 8:0. 8>