A hyper- realistic, photographic close- up shot of a crystal- clear glass sphere resting on a wet, cobblestone street in front of an old, traditional restaurant in Kyoto, Japan, just after a light rain. The wet ground reflects the warm glow of candle- like lanterns hanging from wooden eaves, adding a cozy, nostalgic feel to the scene. The sphere is the central focus, but instead of reflecting the surroundings, it contains a vibrant, dynamic ocean within. The sphere is half- filled with a turbulent, turquoise ocean, complete with aggressive waves crashing against the inner glass surface. The water appears vibrant and full of life, with the movement of the waves frozen in time, capturing intricate details like splashes and foam. The upper half of the sphere remains crystal clear, creating a striking contrast between the calm transparency and the chaotic sea contained within. The background retains its atmospheric, almost dusk- like ambiance, with traditional wooden buildings softly lit by warm, candle- like light. The wet cobblestones enhance the reflections, adding depth to the scene. The focus remains on the glass sphere, capturing every detail from the swirling ocean inside to the flawless clarity of the glass. Rendered in ultra- high resolution, the scene feels both surreal and realistic, blending the charm of ancient Kyoto with a fantastical element