With vaunted Excalibur- myth- born gote athwart Enigma- graven glyph- carvèd claymore argent Light- mace radiates Arcadia- echoed vigour Weald ashaman wardrobe swashbuckler knit Skyey cerulean augulet cast zenith sun- ray Scarlet garters bulge pterocarpeous blades Grimpacts skirl derided sans jib jab crimson Shade cast sentinelled spiky- several rays Aquiline brow surveying plane deovolutive Aspirates thaumaturgic tirades arcane Syllables spit fustigator bellows omnivox Windswept tendrils wisps ardent crusader zeal Drift eastward wester 'midst geonim truce- declare Teardrops of rain down patinae burnished blades Applique themselves pearleffront lapis lazuli plaquettes Astrogliot wisdom hounds wagging virtuous noses Bays crumble battlements waft grim felicity flutecanto Gaze hewed- through- thickness frets traversal impending Like gods aveng'd solemn oath taken sworn uttermost Nigh equal heavy fells untried lighter ilk That try sole weapon to assay crossbow shot yonder skyborne voln. impressionist painting, loose brushwork, vibrant color, light and shadow play, captures feeling over form, Oil Painting, surreal, concept- art, fantasy, beautiful, painterly, detailed, textural, artistic, aesthetic, intricate details, highly detailed, vivid, volumetric lighting