Veilsrent zephyrian blast part sands so fine, Whisper- folio caught in draught's ill- willed scythe Scintillant blade wails like revenant supplicate, Spell- bound enchantress dances hurricane- gait Her verd- ochre Orb blazing gem- like unspoilt Sun- shadow etched a tale on sanguine azure breadth Across Darkling Dessart she stands astride; Alchemic fury storm- light forged Foredoomed wretches flensed bone- mealy fleece! Halfscaled seith- walker mantis- paw poised prostrate Orbed lance splinter- lime unflinchingly shines Decreeing fell decree wrought thus that eve Ephemerides tore their twi- fold undergarbs Tearing loinclothe crimson strips their natal tears Tears mixing sweat stung scars until burst Leprous sores barked bitter acerbic salts Grief- filled ululation chorused conjure Their visages shaded void'd loathing ungod! Gatherings of motes veil mysterious dells; impressionist painting, loose brushwork, vibrant color, light and shadow play, captures feeling over form, Oil Painting, surreal, concept- art, fantasy, beautiful, painterly, detailed, textural, artistic, aesthetic, intricate details, highly detailed, vivid, volumetric lighting