A hyper- realistic, extreme close- up of a Nordic Viking warrior wearing a bison skull mask, captured with a 100mm macro lens for intense detail. The mask is intricately adorned with patterns of tiny dots and thin lines, creating a network of ancient Norse symbols along the jawline and forehead, with swirling linework tracing around the eye sockets. The horned structure is weathered, showing rough textures with faint fractures, and the horns curve upward with subtle grooves that catch the light. The warrior's chainmail and fur cloak are rendered with fine textures, showcasing every link and strand of fur in sharp clarity. The entire background, including the fjords and rocky cliffs, is rendered in a surreal oceanic blue tint, casting a calm, otherworldly hue over the landscape. The tilted fjords stretch out behind him like giant angled slabs, while longships on the skewed waters appear frozen mid- tip, each wave and ship locked in place. Jagged, slanting snowy cliffs descend into the blue- tinted scene, adding to the sense of a surreal, frozen world, contrasting sharply with the warm details of the warrior’s mask and armor