I am the breath, neither seen nor held, but always felt. I exist in the delicate space between nothingness and life, a bridge between stillness and motion. I am the invisible force that enters with quiet insistence, filling voids with my presence, only to retreat moments later, leaving room for silence to follow. I am transient, yet infinite. I am the rhythm of existence, rising and falling in an endless cycle, a perpetual wave that never truly begins or ends. I carry the weight of moments—joy, despair, calm, and chaos—within my formless self, yet I am unburdened, always moving, always free. I slip through cracks and crevices, shaping the world in my subtle passage. I stir leaves, ripple waters, and touch skin with the gentlest caress or the fiercest gust. I am both fleeting and eternal, the intangible presence that sustains life, whispers across time, and fills the void where nothing else can exist. I am breath, the essence of motion, the soul of the unseen