A gloomy, harsh, hyper- realistic image of a thin, toned and wiry man in overalls working on a massive industrial machine. The man is in the process of working, using a large wrench to tighten the joint on the machine section. The machine consists of large parts, bolts and gears made of dark metal, which show signs of aging and use. The dark textured metal is covered with rust and soot. Smoke and dust swirl around the stage, creating a dramatic atmosphere. The color palette is dominated by saturated blues and grays with shades of brown and black. The man's overalls and denim are badly frayed and dirty, which indicates hard work. The lighting highlights the person and the car, creating strong shadows and depth of field. The location is a large industrial workshop or repair shop. Pay attention to the detailed texture of the metal and the powerful posture of the man. Impressionistic/hyperrealistic style, with strong depth of field and attention to detail on the textures and materials. mythp0rt, egdisney, KNRm nigiex. depth of field, PSY Man,