An extreme close- up of the nun’s face, framed by the intense, gritty realism of an old analog camera. The mechanical hknuns nun wears a detailed, ancient silver mask, its surface weathered and battle- scarred, yet intricately adorned with delicate engravings. The mask reflects the faint glow of divine energy, with radiant golden and white light flickering across its surface, highlighting every crevice and contour. Light shimmers and dances along the metallic surface, casting sharp contrasts between the glowing highlights and the deep shadows that fill the engraved details. The eyes of the mask are hollow and eerie, yet there’s an ethereal light faintly pulsing from within, suggesting a divine power concealed behind the cold steel. Around her, the chaotic swirl of a dense, raging sandstorm blurs the edges of the image, creating an atmosphere of both serenity and violence. The violent storm is reflected in the shiny mask, capturing the dark, swirling sands while beams of holy light flicker from her weapon, illuminating her haunting presence in the middle of the storm