A hyperrealistic rendering of a seemingly abandoned, antique television set, sitting alone in a dimly lit, dust- filled attic. The TV screen is cracked and flickering erratically, displaying distorted, static- filled images that seem to shift and change when not directly observed. On the screen, barely visible through the static, is a single, staring eye that appears to follow the viewer's movements. Scrawled across the top of the TV set in what appears to be dried blood are the words "Buzz Me Back, " and the yellow and blue thunderbolt symbol is crudely etched into the dusty wooden frame. The attic itself is filled with cobwebs and indistinct shapes, barely visible in the shadows, creating a sense of claustrophobia and dread. A faint, almost imperceptible buzzing sound emanates from the TV, adding to the unsettling atmosphere. Ultra- high definition, medium shot, focusing on the flickering screen, the unsettling message, and the overall sense of decay and forgotten menace