Picture a wraith- like maiden, her form scarcely more substantial than the chill October breeze that rustles the withered leaves carpeting the blood- drenched battlefield. Grasped in her spectral fingers, a longsword of antique provenance, its blade marred by numerous nicks and chips accumulated over decades of service. The weapon pulses with an eldritch aura, casting eerie reflections across the pallid planes of her cadaverous cheeks. Fixated directly ahead, her piercing gaze transfixes an invisible foe, boring holes into the very essence of her target. Flames leap and dance in the hollow recesses of her ocular cavities, twin hellfires fueled by righteous wrath and vengeful ire. Tendrils of ectoplasmic mist curl around her wrists, binding the tattered remnants of a once- proud suit of plate mail to her emaciated forearms. Behind her, the chaotic jumble of the battlefield comes into focus, a churning sea of violence and death. Prostrate forms clad in motley liveries stretch out across the frostbitten earth, some still twitching spasmodically in the final throes of agony. art by Aaron Horkey, animals, comics, creatures, etching, fantasy, graphic- novel, illustration, organic, pen- and- ink, beautiful, painterly, detailed, textural, artistic, aesthetic, intricate details, highly detailed, vivid, vibrant, EtherealGlow, glowing, ethereal