A solitary, colossal advanced spaceship, its bright long hull damaged by endless of interstellar travel, drifts through a vast, cosmic void. The spaceship, a marvel of advanced technology, is bathed in the ethereal glow of distant nebulae. Its surface shimmers with energy particles, reflecting the celestial bodies that surround it. The ship's silhouette, illuminated by the cold, blue light of its engines, is a stark contrast against the inky blackness of space. The scene is both awe- inspiring and unsettling, a testament to the vastness of the universe and the fragility of human existence. The painting should be rendered in a hyperrealistic style, with a focus on intricate details and dramatic lighting. A predominantly electric purple and neon yellow color palette should be used to create a cyberpunk aesthetic. best quality, masterpiece, (close- up), highly visible, godrays, bright lit, zoomed, dynamic composition, award- winning, hdr, in motion