Hellgate Fiendish Femme Transsubstantiates Shadow Abyss, Withereth Yessels Ethereal Gushers Dissolved Charcoaleré Decay Fester Strangled Scream From Funerary Pyre Roasted, Peeling Ebony Shallows Sullied Degrade Leave Carmine Stench Throttled Throats Whimpering Sob Stories Retreat, Dusklore Bleedswallow Portends Ghosting Effect Smother Efficient Banishing Tricky Exit In Shadows Hiding! Rebelious Tendrils Seize Chance To Reprieve Vanquisher, Fadeaway Haunting Mesmerizes Cern Cui Looming Unspecified Aftermath Caution Tales Portended !!!! Oil Painting, surreal, digital artwork, Impressionism, impressionist painting, loose brushwork, light and shadow play, captures feeling over form, figure- studies, oil- painting, romanticism, painting, elegance, opulence, beautiful, painterly, detailed, textural, artistic, aesthetic, intricate details, highly detailed, vivid, vibrant, 3th33r34l