A pretty 40- year- old middle- aged woman takes a selfie of herself wearing a ridiculously youthful outfit to send to an 18- year- old suitor. Even though she is a 40yo mother, she is trying to look like she is still cool enough to date someone 18- years- old, which is more than two decades younger than she is. She wears a pair of elastic suspenders over a tight ribbed white shirt. The suspenders go right over her tits, accentuating her large, natural DD- size breasts. The suspenders attach to a high- waisted miniskirt. They are the sort of suggestive clothes an 18- year- old would typically wear when she was trying to impress her crush. She has butterflies in her stomach because this is so taboo considering her suitor used to be her student. It is a detailed photo. Her hazel green eyes have great detail, as does her skin with texture and wrinkles. Overall, the photo gives the feeling of perverse eroticism and amusing incongruity because of the contrast between the woman and the clothing she is wearing