In the midst of the ethereal expanse of twilight, some celestial poppies, its petals performing a delicate dance between indigo shadows and red neon light. Its heart radiates a luminous core, a beacon amidst the enveloping mist, casting an otherworldly glow on the fractal tapestry of darkness and light. The background swirls in deep hues, melting into a velvety canvas that whispers secrets through the ghostly tendrils of the mist. An illusory breeze stirs the air, scattering trails of iridescent dust that ripples in response to the neon whispers of the cosmos. This mesmerizing tableau of mysterious beauty evokes a sense of cosmic wonder and invites the viewer to surrender to the enchanting realm of shadow and light, we_ne_v1, <lora:flux/AurelleV2. safetensors:1. 0:1. 0> <lora:flux/we- neon. safetensors:1. 0:1. 0>