A mercenary engineer, her sun- kissed brown skin dusted with oil and grime, crouches by a massive mecha, frantically rewiring its exposed circuitry. Her wild, curly black hair is tied back in a messy bun, and her amber eyes glow faintly with the augmented HUD display projected onto her corneas. Sparks fly from the damaged components as she works, her hands moving swiftly, guided by years of experience in the field. She wears a worn- out, patched- up jacket with a faded logo from a long- forgotten space station, and a belt full of tools hangs at her waist. Behind her, the war- torn landscape of a desert planet is illuminated by the towering mechanical giants that clash in the distance. The mecha she repairs is a hulking mass of metal and wires, its once- pristine armor now battered and scorched. Her expression is tense but focused, beads of sweat forming on her forehead as she races against time. The faint hum of energy returning to the mechaâs core vibrates through the ground beneath her, promising either salvation or destruction. <lora:MysticFantasy>