horror show, monster, nightmare, fear, illustration, Design a psychological horror movie poster for The Witch (2015) featuring an overhead shot of a young woman lying in a field, entangled in twisted, thorny vines. Her eyes are wide with fear, staring directly at the viewer, as if pleading for help. The use of a fisheye lens creates a distorted, claustrophobic perspective, enhancing the feeling of entrapment and paranoia. The lighting should cast deep, dramatic shadows across her face and the surrounding vines, intensifying the sense of dread. The film grain effect should be subtly added to evoke a vintage, unsettling atmosphere. The title The Witch should be prominently displayed at the bottom in a bold, cracked font, resembling broken stone or old wood. Just above the title, include the tagline Fear is her only escape in a smaller, serif text. The credits should be positioned at the top in a traditional movie poster format, using a thin, uppercase font. Place the A24 logo in a small, modern font at the bottom corner, blending i