In an ominous, shadow- filled setting, a lone, mysterious green frog slowly emerges from the pitch- black depths of a dense, mist- covered ancient forest. The air is thick with darkness, illuminated only by a faint, pale light that barely outlines the frog’s form. Most of its body is shrouded in deep shadows, its features barely visible beneath a wide, weathered ronin samurai hat, casting a long, dark shadow over its face. The golden armor glints dimly, as if catching only the smallest traces of light, while its white trousers and green cape are dulled by the surrounding gloom. The frog’s blue gloves and shoes seem to blend into the night. Its sword, with a blood- red hilt and golden guard, and the golden shield it carries catch faint glimmers, but the eerie darkness dominates the scene. The thick mist coils around its feet as it approaches, every step echoing in the oppressive silence, creating a haunting, almost invisible presence as it moves forward into the faint light