A Chaos Space Marine in full battle armor, standing amidst a war- torn battlefield. His armor is an intricate fusion of ancient, corrupted metal and twisted organic growths, glowing with chaotic energy. The armor plates are etched with unholy runes, and dark, crimson blood oozes from the cracks, pulsating with an eerie light. Wickedly sharp spikes and jagged chains adorn his shoulders and gauntlets, while a massive, barbed power axe crackles with red lightning in his hand. In the background, colossal ruins burn under a blood- red sky, as black smoke rises, illuminated by sporadic explosions. Faint echoes of demonic whispers fill the air. The scene is lit with harsh, dynamic lighting that casts deep shadows and highlights the metallic sheen and organic textures of his armor. The glowing eyes of the Chaos Space Marine pierce through the darkness, emanating an unsettling, otherworldly green glow. The atmosphere is thick with fog and drifting ash, creating an intense, apocalyptic mood. Photorealistic, 8K resolution, hyper- detailed, cinematic composition