distorted, post- impressionist, abstract, A photograph of an M- 16 firing mechanism is revealed, fragmented and out of focus, amidst a sweeping abstract landscape of a post- impressionist artist's twisted canvas. masterpieces- by- num9, distorted- by- war, distorted- war, non- representational, masterful, A disturbing juxtaposition of masterful non- representational art is juxtaposed with an extensively distorted image of a war- torn landmark, A masterpiece- by- num9 blurred together with the splintered remnants of war- its dark, non- representational vision is all too hauntingly realistic. f- a- v- o- r- i- t- e- c- 1, twisted- contemporary, anti- photorealistic, dissonant, monumental, A dissonant anti- photorealistic urban landscape is made visually monumental in a favorite- 1- c, twisted and unrecognizable and a deeply unsettling glimpse into an alternate, otherworldly realm