A close- up of an eldritch horror with writhing tentacles in place of a mouth, each one pulsating to the beat of the disco music. Its glowing, lime- green eyes, set deep in a face that seems to be made of swirling cosmic matter, reflect the swirling lights of the disco ball above. A smirkâor the closest thing to itâappears as its shimmering, semi- transparent skin ripples with excitement. Its countless otherworldly appendages, which extend out of its back and head, are rhythmically waving in the air, casting eerie, elongated shadows on the neon- lit dance floor. Itâs dressed in a flamboyant, glittering suit made of shimmering stardust fabric, fitted perfectly to its nightmarish form. Above its head floats a halo of dark energy, constantly changing shape as it moves in sync with the music. Beads of light dance across its glistening body as colorful beams from the disco lights swirl around the room. The eldritch horror looks like itâs completely at ease, lost in the music and having the time of its life. <lora:detailed_flux_ntc:2. 2><lora:aidmaImageUpgrader- FLUX- V0. 1:0. 65>