Every surface of the room is jam- packed with rubber ducks in every imaginable style and size. Tiny keychain ducks, medium- sized bath toys, and massive, comically oversized ducks tower from the floor. Ducks with pirate hats, superhero capes, sunglasses, and even a few with wings spread, fill the shelves, alongside ducks of neon pink, pale blue, and classic yellow. The walls are lined with glossy, matte, translucent, and metallic- finish ducks. In the middle of it all sits the collector, an eccentric figure hunched over, meticulously rearranging his newest additions. His eyes dart from one duck to the next, his movements sharp as he attempts to perfect the placement of his collection. The sheer number of ducks gives the room a suffocating feel, their round, glossy eyes staring from every direction, creating a quirky yet overwhelming atmosphere that mirrors the intensity of the collector's obsession