Hyper- realistic surrealist creature, half- gelatinous slime, half- bioluminescent forest dweller. Enormous, glistening eyes with vivid green irises, bulging comically from a amorphous body. Translucent lime- green flesh riddled with iridescent bubbles and droplets, catching and refracting light. Wide, exaggerated mouth revealing tiny sharp teeth and a glistening tongue. Body transitions from sticky, viscous texture to a soft, fur- like coating of fine, glowing tendrils. Dotted with an array of bioluminescent spots in pastel hues- teals, pinks, and soft yellows. Twin antenna- like protrusions topped with softly glowing orbs. Stubby arms and legs with webbed digits. Perched atop a moss- covered log in a misty, ethereal night forest. Background fades into a hazy, dark green woodland scene illuminated by hints of otherworldly light. Hyper- detailed textures- each bubble, droplet, and glowing spot rendered with photorealistic precision. Lighting that seems to emanate from within the creature itself, casting an eerie glow on its surroundings. 8K resolution, cinematic lighting, depth of field
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