A hyper- realistic close- up of a femme fatale, her lips painted a deep crimson, as she leans across a dimly lit bar. Her gaze is intense, with dark, smokey eyeshadow framing her sharp, seductive eyes. The background is a smoky jazz club, with soft shadows of musicians playing in the distance, creating a moody, sultry atmosphere. Her black silk dress clings to her form, with subtle reflections from the low, warm lighting highlighting the fabric's texture. A single diamond earring glints in the dim light, adding to her air of mystery. Her hand delicately holds a glass of whiskey, ice clinking softly as she swirls it. The scene captures an intimate moment, heavy with tension and intrigue, as she speaks in hushed tones to an unseen figure. <lora:aidmaMJ6. 1- FLUX- V0. 1:0. 6><lora:Movie_Portrait><lora:Flux DetailerV2>