TOKKENEPA TOKTesla- Semi- shipped a man standing in front of a white Tesla semi- trailer truck. @carlosmanuelpe2 (9)Professional studio photography for t- shirt modeling, with wide full body shots, with a lot of lighting, showing a stylish half- body man doing gymnastics wearing a light black, regular, round- neck t- shirt, made of combed cotton, paired with casual pants. He smiles at the camera. The truck has the Tesla logo on the front and the door is open. The background appears to be a large warehouse or storage area with a blue carpet. The logo is in the center of the image and is written in a modern sans- serif font. The word "SEMI" is in a larger and bolder font size than the rest of the text. Below the word, there is smaller text that says "SEMIBEASTS" in a smaller font size. The background of the logo is black and there are two blue lights on either side of the word. The lights shine, giving the logo a futuristic and futuristic feel. The overall design is simple and minimalist