In a chaotic cityscape, with skyscrapers crumbling under the strain of an earth- shattering battle, the mighty Thor stands his ground, his muscular frame outlined against a stormy sky crackling with energy. His iconic red cape billows dramatically behind him, reflecting the fiery hues of the setting sun, while his powerful grip tightens around the enchanted hammer, Mjolnir, which hums with electric anticipation. Before him, the colossal figure of Godzilla looms, scales glistening dark green and sharp against the backdrop of the war- torn skyline. With each powerful stomp, the ground quakes beneath him, sending tremors through the cracked pavement and shattering windows in nearby buildings. The air is thick with tension, punctuated by an ominous growl that reverberates like thunder, as Godzilla prepares to unleash his devastating atomic breath. Around them, debris fills the air, and dense clouds of smoke rise from the wreckage, swirling like phantoms in the dim light. The frenzied crowd below watches in awe and terror, their gasps and whispers creating a cacophonous melody mingled with the sounds of sirens wailing from emergency vehicles scrambling to respond. As Thor unleashes a crackling bolt of lightning, illuminating the dark landscape, the atmosphere is charged with raw energy. The clash between the Norse god and the legendary beast embodies an epic struggle, a battle not just of strength, but of titanic wills, as each fighter readies for the inevitable clash that will determine the fate of the city and its inhabitants. <lora:FluxMythP0rtr4itStyle:1>