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"M i n d f l a y e r"
Mindflayers come from the Dark of the Underworld, far from the light of the sun. Their tentacled heads contain evil genius unmatched in any other of the world's races. Said to feed on the brains of the fallen, mindflayers are also reputed to gain psionic power by feeding thus. Mindflayers are highly magical, and can cast magics unknown to any other mortal. They are of average height, but have purplish skin and over-large eyes. Where most races have their mouths, mindflayers have a nest of foot-long tentacles, which they use to eat. Their voices are guttural, and they have a hard time pronouncing certain words.
Nether Mage guild members are taught to combine all the elements which they have mastered into magical energy called nether. Nether Mage's studies center on the turning their body into pure nether energy and, in doing so, their body becomes a receptacle for the elementalist's power. All the Nether Mage's spells draw their power not from the elements around their body, but from the nether energy stored inside.
    The word "BUZZ" in yellow block font above the alarm clock. An old-school alarm clock buzzing furiously on a cluttered computer desk. A person is passed out on the keyboard, head resting on the keys, with the screen showing the Civitai website open to the Flux Generator page. Papers, coffee mugs, and scattered pens are spread around, capturing the chaos of a late-night creative session.
The underdark is made up of dark tunnels and huge caverns. The way down is occasionally lit by florescent algae and fungi. A city is found formed by the stalactites and stalagmites that run from the top of the cavern to the bottom. They have been hollowed out to create homes and taverns shops and guildhalls. Each building is adorned with faerie fire in neon colors and magic runes to denote protection spells and ownership. The city is filled with drow, dark elves that live underground. They are lean and tall, silver hair and toned bodies. They specialize in magic by way of psychic powers and connection with their diety the spider queen. They also excel in shadow walking.
    The word "BUZZ" in yellow block font above the alarm clock. An old-school alarm clock buzzing furiously on a cluttered computer desk. A person is passed out on the keyboard, head resting on the keys, with the screen showing the Civitai website open to the Flux Generator page. Papers, coffee mugs, and scattered pens are spread around, capturing the chaos of a late-night creative session.
The underdark is made up of dark tunnels and huge caverns. The way down is occasionally lit by florescent algae and fungi. A city is found formed by the stalactites and stalagmites that run from the top of the cavern to the bottom. They have been hollowed out to create homes and taverns shops and guildhalls. Each building is adorned with faerie fire in neon colors and magic runes to denote protection spells and ownership. The city is filled with drow, dark elves that live underground. They are lean and tall, silver hair and toned bodies. They specialize in magic by way of psychic powers and connection with their diety the spider queen. They also excel in shadow walking.
The underdark is made up of dark tunnels and huge caverns. The way down is occasionally lit by florescent algae and fungi. A city is found formed by the stalactites and stalagmites that run from the top of the cavern to the bottom. They have been hollowed out to create homes and taverns shops and guildhalls. Each building is adorned with faerie fire in neon colors and magic runes to denote protection spells and ownership. The city is filled with drow, dark elves that live underground. They are lean and tall, silver hair and toned bodies. They specialize in magic by way of psychic powers and connection with their diety the spider queen. They also excel in shadow walking.
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