Title: Drum Solo by Neil Peart Angled to capture the intensity of Neil Peart's drum solo, the camera focuses on his hands as they dance across the drums. The lighting, a spotlight on the drum kit, illuminates the whirling cymbals and the precise movements of Peart's sticks. The color mood is electric, embodying the raw energy of the performance. The background fades into a smoky haze, adding a touch of drama to the scene. The sound of thundering drums fills the air, immersing the viewer in the musical experience. The angle emphasizes the power and precision of Peart's drumming, showcasing the intricate patterns he creates with seemingly effortless grace. As the drum solo builds to its climax, the lighting shifts to highlight the sheer force of Peart's performance, leaving the audience in awe. This artistic depiction of Neil Peart's drum solo captures the essence of his talent, conveying the passion, skill, and energy that defined his career. <lora:glowing_flux. safetensors:1. 0>, <lora:FluxDFaeTasticDetails. safetensors:1. 0>