Title: Display the title "Resident Evil" prominently at the top of the background. Use a bold, chilling font with a distressed and shadowy appearance to evoke a sense of horror and mystery. Main Image: Feature a detailed, realistic knee- up portrait close- up of the main character standing in the center. The character should have a look of determination and fear on their face. They should wear tactical gear suitable for a survival horror scenario. Surrounding the character, depict the haunting environment of Resident Evil with eerie, detailed elements like dilapidated buildings, leafless trees, and a foreboding sky. Background Elements: Include iconic elements of Resident Evil, such as a broken- down laboratory, shadowy figures lurking in the background, and subtle hints of biohazard symbols. Render these elements in a dark, muted color palette to create a sense of dread and suspense. Supporting Characters: Add small, eerie illustrations of key supporting characters, like a frightened survivor or a menacing creature, in the background to hint at the story's depth and horror. Tagline: Place a tagline somewhere within the background that reads: "Survive the Horror. Uncover the Truth. " in a spine- chilling font, ensuring it complements the overall horror theme. Visual Style: Ensure the overall visual style is consistent with the horror atmosphere of Resident Evil. Use a mix of detailed illustrations and dramatic lighting to capture the game's intense and frightening essence. The background should have a dark, foreboding color scheme with shades of gray, black, and deep reds to enhance the terrifying theme



