Hyperrealistic portrait of a Sontaran warrior from Doctor Who, posing for the camera against a simple, neutral background. The Sontaran's distinctive potato- like head dominates the frame, its brown, leathery skin textured with pores and subtle wrinkles. Small, deep- set eyes gleam with intelligence and a hint of aggression beneath a prominent brow ridge. The wide, lipless mouth is set in a determined expression, revealing glimpses of teeth. The Sontaran wears its iconic armor: a sleek, metallic blue- gray bodysuit with intricate patterns and tech- like embellishments. The armor's collar rises high around the neck, emphasizing the warrior's stocky build. Subtle battle scars and wear marks on the armor suggest years of combat experience. Lighting is even but slightly dramatic, accentuating the Sontaran's unique facial features and the curves of its armor. The background is a soft, out- of- focus gradient, perhaps a muted blue or gray, allowing the Sontaran to stand out clearly. The warrior's pose is proud and militant- chest puffed out, shoulders back, head held high. One three- fingered hand might rest on a weapon at its hip, while the other is clenched in a fist at its side