A compelling scene set in a post- apocalyptic ruined city, where the remnants of a once- grand urban landscape are now a desolate, crumbling wasteland. Amidst the debris and wreckage, a broken wall stands partially intact, its surface marked by decay and wear. On this solitary section of wall, vibrant graffiti declares “Rock and Roll Never Dies” in bold, rebellious lettering, its colors still striking against the weathered concrete. Leaning against the wall is an electric guitar, its body scratched and slightly rusted, but still retaining its iconic shape and presence. The guitar’s strings catch glints of light, emphasizing its significance amidst the desolation. The background reveals the ruins of skyscrapers, their skeletal frames reaching toward a darkened, smoky sky, adding to the scene’s apocalyptic atmosphere. Dust and debris swirl around, carried by a faint, eerie breeze. The contrast between the vibrant graffiti and the decay surrounding it creates a poignant and defiant symbol of enduring spirit. The lighting is dramatic, with shafts of muted sunlight piercing through the clouds, highlighting the graffiti and the guitar, and casting long shadows that enhance the scene’s stark beauty and melancholy